Spirit Hollow

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Spirit Hollow Saves Lives!

Video Transcript:

Hello as someone who fancies themself a poet and a lifelong lover of words it's ironic how much I really struggled to find a way to express in mere language what spirit Hollow has done for me and meant to me to say that this land and the beings that live on it and watch over it have radically changed my life would be a gross understatement they've quite literally saved my life in more ways than they would care to admit


In the midst of my mid-20s while wandering floundering lost in the wilderness desperately seeking meaning and purpose all the while drowning in the mire of our materialistic age I found spirit Hollow and its radiance steward Tracy and answered to my soul's deepest longing perhaps it would be more accurate to say that they found me but what is certain is that they have given me the tools and the guidance that helped me finally find myself over the


Years I have attended countless retreats been blessed to receive some individuals shamanic healing from Tracy and I'm currently finishing my third year of the scene with the Hart apprenticeship this land has held me through my grief and my joy has borne witnessed my tears and my laughter Tracy has been psychopomp to my shadows and Midwife to my deepest desires spirit Hollow has become my home the fellow travelers I've met here have become my family and Tracy


Kee Turner she holds the key to unlock the great mystery both all around and within the oftentimes locked gates of the heart is my teacher my mentor my sister you know one of my truest friends if you have the opportunity to come here and participate in any of the amazing offerings that they share I encourage you to come and engage in this great work of healing and holing ourselves that we might rise up together and begin the urgent task feeling and holding this


Beautiful broken world now is the time and we are the ones we've been waiting for I hope to see you there